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Ministry Introduction
Quick & Concise

Winning and Warning
* Introductory Video - no downloading
* Operated by Steve and Pat Andres since 2000
* Ministry Verse: Psalm 45:17
* Testimony: Steve, Pat

* Mission: Amazing Grace Mission
* Mission Field: Fairs, Festivals, Flea Markets
* Burden: Spreading the Saviour's Name with ...
   1) Tracts
   2) One-on-One Witness

* Method: Public Event Soul Winning Booth
* Church Development: Training Soul Winners
* Support: Churches & Individuals
* Affiliation: Fellowshipping with fundamental Baptists
   (churches which operate according to the Bible)
* Churches for whom the work was presented
* Our Statement of Faith
* Missionaries whom we support
* Contact Steve Andres

   Mailing address, email address and phone is not
   published on the internet - use the above contact
   method and we will call or send all contact sources

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Winning and Warning
Psalms 45:17
Copyright - 1996 to 2011