

Decision Card


Download the Decision Card

Completing the Form
Workers should have the prospect complete the Decision Card and then check for legibility. The Worker retains the Decision Card for Follow-up and Discipleship, or if the prospect lives too far away, the Worker should send the Decision Card to a soul winning church close to the prospect.

A. is for the first and last name
B. is for the street number and name
C. is for an apartment number
D. is for the city in which the prospect lives
E. is for the State
F. is for the Zip
G. is for the age of the prospect
H. is for the phone area code
I. is for the phone number
J. is for the prospect's email address
K. is a reminder that the prospect should write on the back of the Decision Card, not what he or she did, but what happened to them, just now.
L thru R is to be completed by the Worker
L. is to be checked if the prospect made a profession of faith
M. is to be checked if the prospect received assurance of salvation.
N. is to be checked if the prospect only received a witness, but did not make a profession or receive assurance
O. is for the Worker's name or only first name or initials
P. is for the name of the church of which the Worker is a member.
Q. is for the date of the decision card.
R. the Decision Card may be edited in any way the Worker deems appropriate. But, we would appreciate it if the website name would not be removed. Other churches, who might receive a Decision Card for Follow-up, can see where to get help in starting their own Flea Market Ministry.

Special Notes
Such as ...
* Prospect needs a Bible
* Prospect was or was not sincere
* Prospect was with ______________
* Prospect may or may not have understood
* Prospect goes to _____________ Church
* the list is endless
... should be put on the front of the Decision Card so the Follow-up person will not miss it.

Flea Market Evangelism
All Rights Reserved | 2011















All Rights Reserved | 2011