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How do Church Members Get Started?

Up-Dated - Friday, April 04, 2014

People say …
-thought I would try               1%
-liked the Sunday School           1%
-had a special situation           2%
-just happened to walk in          3%
-liked what they were doing        3%
-Other                             5%
-liked the Pastor                  6%
-invited by a friend or relative  79%
author: Unknown


"I knew it would be something like the above
but how do I give my people the courage to invite and win their ..."
* Friends
* Relatives
* Neighbors
* Workmates
* Schoolmates


Take them to public events

1. Use the 3+3+3 = Seated Method to get them started winning and warning the lost and backslidden.
    a. One person does the Greeting, Meeting & Seating
    b. The rest use a Witness Pamphlet to READ to people who have been seated and who have asked to see how to be saved.

2. No classroom lessons

3. No memorization

4. No confrontational situations

5. No memorized rebuttals to objections

6. Fear is removed

7. Evangelization and Follow-up begins


How does the pastor start the ball rolling?
Contact Winning and Warning


G. Steven Andres
Psalms 45:17
Missionary Evangelist
Copyright - 1996 to 2010