
- Slides -
Team Soul Winning
in a Public Event Booth

Why Team Soul Winning?

As a Team
* One can be utilized to contact prospects, Shift Leader
* Others used to impart the Gospel, Workers
* Still others can just distribute tracts
Between them, prospects can be passed from the Shift Leader to Workers with the necessary capabilities.

Not Every Church Member has the same Experience or Courage
At first ...
* Some are more outgoing
* Some do fine when asked for help
* Some do not want to speak, but will distribute tracts
All can move to different areas of work, when given enough time and experience
See Slides: Something for Everyone

The Team in Action
* Helping each other
* Covering where some are lacking
* Dividing the duties
Half of the load is on the Shift Leader contacting the prospects, and the other half is on Workers who do the witnessing, thus a Team

Simpler, yet
It is much easier to train a person for half the operation, than to train for contact and witness.  The training becomes even easier when using the 3+3+3 = Seated Method for contacting and the Witness Pamphlet for witnessing.

 John 4:36-37  "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.  And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth."

<<< Prior Slide        - choose another slide from the list below -

"Team Soul Winning" Slide Show
Why Soul Winning as a Team
Shift Leaders Contact Prospects
Workers Witness to Prospects
Eliminating Fear of Confrontation
Easing Workers into Witnessing

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