
- Slides -
Connecting with Prospects
in a Soul Winning Booth

Sorting Through

If the prospect is so banged up with sin that communication is not possible, then go after someone who can be helped today.

Work with the one who gives feed back in the conversation and not the one who just sits and listens for hours.

Work with the one who wants answers, not the one who has all the answers.  Teach the student.  The one who is teaching, learns nothing from the students.

Work with the one who lives in driving distance of your church.  All others will take days or weeks for follow up.

Do not throw away the Decision Cards of the prospects who cannot be helped at the moment, but attempt to call on them as soon as possible.  Priority is for prospects who can be helped right away.

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Slide Show Table of Contents
* Introductions
Connecting with Workers
Warming up
Take an Interest
Heads up
Do not let them get away
How to Connect
If they Balk
Someone else could Connect
Fitting in at Church
Connect with Prayer
Connect with the Changed Heart
Connect with Jesus
Sorting Through

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